
llm snippet


  • 大模型往往含有大量的参数和复杂的神经网络结构,需要高度的并行处理能力和大的内存带宽来有效地训练和运行。GPU在这些方面的优势让它成为运行大型AI模型的首选硬件。但这不意味着CPU完全无法运行这些模型,只是相对来说CPU运行起来效率低,可能会非常慢,因此在实际应用中通常选择GPU来进行深度学习任务。

Fine-tuning vs Embedding

  • If you are trying to “teach” the model new information, embeddings is the way to go. If you want to change the structure or way it response, then use fine-tuning.

  • Fine-tuning: Teach the model how to answer a question (e.g. structure/format, personality, etc)
  • Embedding: Provide the model with new/specific information with which to answer questions.